The Journey Continues

To my many Friends and Family,

It's been a crazy few weeks!! My body seems to need to adjust to the new chemo regimen. It has reacted with severe pain in the abdominal area two or three days after the chemo treatment. As much as I dislike taking more drugs, one 5 MG Oxycodone seems to do the trick. The neuropathy is a bit worse, but it's not keeping me from holding the tennis racquet and playing. It's just picking up those damn little med pills that are a problem. I've started my Massage and Acupuncture therapies as well as some herbal modalities. Although it is still too early to feel their effects, they are certainly not causing any discomfort (or maybe contributing to the abdominal pain spikes? ... hmmm.)

On the "exciting" new developments front, two small holes appeared above my PowerPort a few weeks ago. So, between BIDH-Plymouth hospital (where I get my Chemo treatments) and South Shore hospital (who put in the port in the first place), all the docs were trying to figure out whether to remove the port in my left chest and put a new one on the right side or just monitor the holes to make sure they didn't get infected and hope that they closed up naturally.

I was to go to Dallas, TX, two weeks ago for our annual NSMTA Board of Directors meeting. But when the Covid numbers kept rising in that area, I decided to attend via Zoom instead. Not the same, and it would have been great to see everyone face-to-face, but after a conversation with my oncologist, we felt it best not to travel. Not going to Dallas also allowed Amy to schedule the surgery sooner, which was good as the holes did get infected.

Chemo #20 is coming up tomorrow. From the blood draw last week, all tumor indicators were down significantly. So, it will be interesting to see what the blood draw shows tomorrow. It will also be interesting to hear what Dr. Koomey thinks of my getting the booster shot. My daughter, Keiko, and hubby, Chris, want me to go with them to Japan in October for a few weeks vacation. A lot of logistics to work out … we'll see if we can make it happen! SO MANY DECISIONS!

I can never say thanks enough to you all for the many prayers, kind words, encouragement and positive vibes. I may not be able to answer all of your emails but, believe me, I read each and every one of them.

Best Funny of the Week

Not exactly the funniest but an irresistible combination … Cats and Music

With much thanks and gratitude,

Mas Kimball

A Haircut & a Happy Birthday

Watashi no shin'ainaru kazoku ya yūjin ni,

I have been complaining about needing a haircut for the past several weeks and wanting to get to Martha’s Vineyard to see my favorite barber. But what do Wise Men say, “Be careful what you wish for … “. While taking a shower and washing my hair last Monday afternoon, I noticed clumps of hair in my hands. Oh, oh … the new chemo drugs must be causing hair loss. But I was losing only my black hair. The grey was staying … NOT FAIR! But, I’ve always wanted to see what I looked like bald … like Andre Agassi (post 1995) or Mike Myers as Dr. Evil or a Buddhist monk from when I was a very young kid growing up in a Buddhist monastery in Japan.

Screen Shot 2021-07-19 at 5.18.11 PM.png

Last week was also a milestone as I celebrated my 72nd birthday on July 14th (Bastille Day). Amy put together a great party at our house comprised mostly of the “Ladies of the Court” Pickleball group. Terrific food, lots of laughs with a great bunch of ladies. Thank you so much for a party I will not forget.

I am coming up to Chemo #17 tomorrow and feeling great, so I must assume the new chemo regimen is working. I’ve also hit a new high in weight at 152 this morning.

My tennis is improving as I gain strength and speed. Bill and I lost to Paul Shaw and George Deptula in the finals of the New England Concord Country Club tournament last weekend 6-3, 6-4. A few more weeks of strengthening and speed exercises, and those boys better watch out!!

Best Funny of the Week

I just never get tired of seeing cats do their thing!


With much thanks and gratitude,

Mas Kimball

If you would like to receive my medical updates via email, please email me and I’ll add you to the list.

Onto Phase Two

Kon'nichiwa Tomodachi to Kazoku,

A lot has happened since my last update. I trust you and family enjoyed the July 4th weekend and had the opportunity to be together in a way that was not possible just a month ago.

Last week was Chemo #15, and some changes have been made to the regiment with sound reasoning behind it. Dr. Koomey is so good at explaining what’s going on. Here are the last abdominal scan results: the disease is not spreading to other organs. Still, it is causing some problems in the peritoneal cavity (inside the abdomen area), and my tumor markers are up.

So now I’m moving onto the second possible regiment of chemo for treating my cancer. As we understand it, there are three available. The first one did an excellent job of keeping me as healthy as possible the last seven months, and for that we are grateful. But as the markers are up and I haven’t been feeling as good the past several weeks, it was time to move on so that more damage than good doesn’t happen … after all, chemo is poison. This new regime will now occur every Tuesday for two weeks, then a week off, then two more weeks, etc. The upside is no more being connected to the pump for three days …YAY! The entire procedure is done in under 3 hours, a significant improvement over the last treatment protocol!

Side effects you ask? Well, there are some and, as you know, I have a pill for all of them!
Acid reflux… once a day Prilosec
Pain… Oxycodone
Thrush… swish and swallow this bubblegummy liquid
Loss of appetite…Megestrol works great. My weight is stable and good.
Fatigue… take a nap.
Not enough time in the day … well, we’re still looking for a treatment for that!

I am very fortunate no suffering from nausea and no hair loss. Still, unfortunately, there is no pill for neuropathy that affects my hands and feet. The good news is that I can still hold a tennis racquet and play. As a matter of fact, my doubles partner, Bill Drake and I will play in a tournament at Concord Country Club this coming weekend.

I have begun massage therapy and will start acupuncture therapy next week. I’ve also decided that taking Chaga Mushroom extract will be helpful to strengthen my immune system and help fight the cancer as well as make the chemo work better. Thank you to the many of you that have suggested augmentative therapies. It has been an exhaustive research project for me but I have learned so much and I am sure it is all to the good!

So, as I sit here in a very comfortable chair with heat and massage vibration, undergoing Chemo #16, I think of how fortunate I am to have friends and family who have been so supportive. Although I may not answer each email, text message, and voice mail, be assured that I read each and every one of them. Thank you so much!

Best Funny of the Week
I bet none of us have ever had this procedure!


With much thanks and gratitude,

Mas Kimball

If you would like to receive my medical updates via email, please email me and I’ll add you to the list.

Unlucky Chemo #13

mas on deck.jpeg

I finished Chemo #13 not in the best of shape this week but will survive. With Monday past being a holiday, I thought Tuesday would be a very long day with the Blood-Draw, Doc consult and then Chemo all in one day. Surprise, surprise … in the hospital at 8 am and done by 3 pm! I’ve been feeling pretty poorly the last couple of days, but I think I’m recovering now. Neuropathy is acting up in my fingertips, and my feet don’t feel like they belong to me. My stomach is constantly uncomfortable. That upper left molar in my mouth is acting up. But enough of this Pity Party … I’m sitting outside on the deck with just a t-shirt and shorts soaking in the sun. How bad can life be?!

I think most of these symptoms will dissipate in the next day or two. I certainly hope so since I’ll be on my way tomorrow to Louisville, KY, to play in Tom Scovil’s Level 3 tournament at the Louisville Boat Club. I’ll be trying my hand at Singles for the first time, as well as playing doubles with my doubles partner, Bill Drake. Amy is going to take the opportunity to catch up with her friends and play lots of Pickleball.

Next up is Chemo #14 in a couple of weeks and then another scan to see where we stand. My two biggest problems right now are not getting a good night’s sleep and an inordinate increase in gas production during the day. I think my Ninja days are over. They’ll be no sneaking up on anyone anytime soon! I’m also running out of closet space. When going from 165lbs to 121lbs, I had to buy new clothes to fit. Now that I’m back up to 148lbs, I’ve had to get more clothes that will fit properly. Not only is my collection of underwear, t-shirts, pants, and unused drugs growing, with my weight loss and now my regain of weight, my entire wardrobe is going through a reformation. Amy and I will need to build more closet space next!

Once again, thanks to you all for the many prayers, kind words, encouragement and positive vibes.

With much thanks and gratitude,

Mas Kimball

If you would like to receive my medical updates via email, please email me and I’ll add you to the list.

It’s a Rollercoaster Ride!

Aloha to Family and Friends,

Amy and I are very excited to be here on Hilton Head for this week's team tennis matches. For me, not only to be back on the competitive court and see lots of my buddies that I haven't seen in a year but to be in this lovely warm weather! As most of you who know me well, I am a Weather Wimp. Anything below 70º, and I'm complaining about being cold. I am euphoric being in the warm! Being an avid Pickleball player, Amy is delighted to be able to play every day. Life is good!

Last week started on Monday with a Blood Draw and a CT Scan. A review of the scan with Dr. Koomey on Tuesday brought news with which I was not particularly pleased. A new growth has appeared in the lower right abdominal cavity area. "Nothing to get too excited about, but we want to keep an eye on it," were Dr. Koomey's words. So, instead of waiting four more chemos before doing another scan, we'll do one after two more chemo treatments. Not the news I wanted to hear, but there was bound to be some "bad" news after so much continuous good news over the past two months.

Several days before this chemo, I experienced the worse pain I think of my life ... canker sores in my mouth. A breakfast of cereal and fruit would usually take me about 10 minutes to eat. During these canker sores, it took me an hour! I understand that some people get these from time to time from a latent viral infection they carry ... another example for walking in another person's shoes. You don't really know until you've experienced it yourself. IT WAS PAINFUL! But, of course, there's a drug for that. A call to my doc, a prescription called into the pharmacy, and a rinse was all I needed to be able to at least eat! Of course, $100 later (for a tiny bottle), a rinse before lunch and one before dinner, and I felt almost human again.

The next day, the sores had subsided, so I added another drug to my ever-growing collection of taken once or twice, then locked away for future use just in case. If you remember in one of the first Medical Updates I sent had a picture of me in bed with about 6 bottles of pills and complaining about "having to take all these damn pills!" Well, the drug count is now up to 19, most of which I need not take (thank goodness). They now live in the "just in case" drawer.

I have been playing tennis a couple of times a week and working on slowly building muscle and strength. I'm trying to curb my enthusiasm and try not to come back too soon … a recipe for disaster in most cases. SO, for now, I'm being the turtle, not the rabbit. This week will be a good test of how my approach is working!

As USTA national tournaments are beginning to be held, there have been many questions about the new rules, especially about the format and scheduling of the flight doubles. Fortunately, I have been feeling really well so that I can contribute to some of the discussions and resolutions of these issues. It is going to be a challenging year, with PATIENCE being the guiding word for everyone. The NSMTA continues to grow its membership and bring more services to its members. If you're not already a member, I encourage you to check it out. OK … Commercial over!

The RV sold just two days after I sent the last update out!! RVs are in great demand here in the US. It is a great way to travel during the pandemic. You can visit friends without intruding on their space, no worries about the cleanliness of hotel rooms, you can travel to states that have the lowest rate of new cases, etc. We met the buyers through another tennis friend. They called on Wednesday, sent a Venmo deposit immediately, drove up from North Carolina the following Monday and are now the proud owners of a motorhome they really wanted. Amy and I are thrilled that "The Tennis Nomad" is going to a family that will really enjoy it and take care of it as they travel to Alaska this summer! Go luck and happy trails to Pete and Jennifer!

Best Funny of the Week

Kid bets his dad 10 euros that he can't pull the bill out from under a beer bottle without having it tip over. … check out the look on the father's face at the end!


Finally, for those of you that are feeling badly for me … DON'T. You all have been so supportive that many times I read your emails, and it brings tears to my eyes. How bad can it be when I wake up to this almost every morning. Full credit goes to Amy, an avid photographer, who took this video at 5AM (I was still sleeping).


With much thanks and gratitude,


Mas Kimball

Live a good, honorable life. Then when you get older and think back, you’ll be able to enjoy it a second time.” - The Dalai Lama

If you would like to receive my medical updates via email, please email me and I’ll add you to the list.

Tennis Events, Here I Come!

Hello to my family & many friends,

I completed Chemo#10 last Thursday with the disconnect of my portable pump. All indicators are still moving in the right direction with blood markers showing slight improvements. I’ve also been able to cut down the amount of Oxycodone and Oxycontin that I take to control the pain. Cutting down on those has also allowed me to take less of the other drugs I’m taking to control the side-effects of the Oxys.

The really good news is that I’ll be able to attend the Jerry Kirk Memorial Cup Team event in Hilton Head next month with Amy. After reviewing my blood markers with my oncologist, Dr. Koomey, last Tuesday, and a general review of how I was feeling day-to-day, we determined that sliding Chemo #12 back an additional week would not make an appreciable difference in my treatment. It will be great to finally meet up with so many of my tennis friends and competitors. I don’t think the doc realizes what a monster he’s let out of the bag!

Amy and I enjoying the great outdoors with the comforts of home in RI last summer.

Amy and I enjoying the great outdoors with the comforts of home in RI last summer.

As the chemo treatments continue and, from all indications, is killing more cancer cells, it takes a toll on the good cells too. Over time, certain chemicals cannot be used without detrimental effect on the good cells so the formulation must be changed or a new method for treatment must be used, if possible. The CT Scan next Monday should tell us more. I’ve started contacting people who are “experts” with supportive treatments and have a massive amount of information which I am combing through. I feel like I’m back at the beginning of this journey when I knew nothing about cancer. But you all know me … ever hopeful and doing what needs to be done to give me the best chance for longevity and quality of life. And you are a big part of that formula. You may be tired of hearing it but your emails, text messages, phone calls have lifted my spirits every day … so once again, thank you so much!

Some sad news … I’ve decided to sell my RV. The wonderful RV that I have enjoyed the last 18 months is now up for sale if any of you are interested, or know someone who is. It’s a low mileage 2020 Travel Leisure Vans 25ft luxury Class C Mercedes UNITY, fully loaded and a lot of fun to drive. Please write to me if you want more information and all the details. Selling price around $140,000 or best offer.

Best Funny of the Week
Spa Day with the Cat


With much thanks and gratitude,

Mas Kimball

If you would like to receive my medical updates via email, please email me and I’ll add you to the list.

You’ve Made My Week!

Hello to my Family and Friends,

"Hey Mas … I just looked over your latest CT Scan, and you've made my week".

With those few simple words, my Oncologist, Dr. Koomey, brought an enormous smile to my face! Details …

  • The tumor mass on the pancreas is about the same as it was in January, which had shrunk significantly since the original scan back in November.

  • The cancer spread around the stomach area is gone altogether.

  • Nodules around the stomach, lung and chest wall and the fluid associated with same is pretty much gone.

This is better news than I could have hoped for … please keep those prayers, positive vibes and energy, jokes, funny videos, etc., coming … they are obviously working! THANK YOU SO MUCH!

Last week started with a blood draw on Monday, March 1st. The procedure at BID-Plymouth Hospital is a bit different than at Dana-Farber. BID likes to do the blood draw the day before the start of the chemo to give them plenty of time to review the blood indicators and make any necessary changes to the chemo cocktail.

Tuesday was the consult with my Oncologist, Dr. Koomey. He was very pleased with my weight gain and how things are going in general. It was then on to chemo treatment … several hours of sitting in a chair while the "poison" was being pumped into my body. After that, the portable pump was attached to go home with more chemo being pumped in for another 46 hours.

Chemo #7 ended on Thursday with the portable pump being disconnected and getting a hydration infusion to make sure I get plenty of fluid into my body. I've learned that getting lots of water is one of the keys to feeling good. It helps flush the chemo out of the body and mitigates the side effect of the medications I am taking. UGH!!

Since last Friday, I have been working on increasing my strength by doing indoor exercises. With the arrival of my battery-heated vest, I could finally go outside. So, I went for a 1-mile walk on Tuesday, and I played 5 straight Pickleball games on Wednesday with the "Ladies of the Court" with no ill effects. I think I'll be able to get back on the tennis court in another week or so. Yippee!!!

Mas and the Ladies of the Court

 So … next steps …

  • Continuing to decrease my intake of Oxycontin.

  • Look into supportive treatments to augment the beneficial effects of chemo … Vitamin C supplements, Autoimmune therapies, Enzyme therapies, Naturopathic medicines, Neurological Integration Systems, dog-deworming drug, Leronlimab … to name a few that I will begin to look into.

  • Investigate cancer treatment centers between here and Florida that I could go for my chemo treatment to begin to travel again and come visit you all.

  • Work with my daughter, Keiko, to address her health issues.

Now, I wouldn’t want you to get the idea that everything is perfect but talking about my challenges going to the bathroom is off the table as it would probably gross most of you out! BIG SMILE!!!!!


Best Funny of the Week
Toronto Maple Leaf Fan!

With much thanks and gratitude,

Mas Kimball

”Ideally one should have a great deal of courage and strength, but not boast or make a big show of it. Then, in times of need, one should rise to the occasion and fight bravely for what is right.” - The Dalai Lama

If you would like to receive my medical updates via email, please email me and I’ll add you to the list.

(Mostly) All Great News...

Hey Folks,

Sorry for my delay in sending out a medical update, but I’m happy to report there are lots of good things happening!

I completed my sixth round of chemo at Beth Israel Deaconess Hospital in Plymouth, MA, last week, Tuesday through Thursday. I’m becoming a pro on infusion centers considering this is the third location at which I’ve received chemo and have been getting hydration infusions on the off weeks at Martha’s Vineyard Hospital.

Speaking of the Vineyard, I’ve spent much of the month here on the Island. It has been many years since I’ve seen this much snow come down and remain on the ground. It usually warms up and turns into slushy mud! I love waking up in the morning to the trees covered in white and the feeling of peace and calm that a snowfall leaves behind. It’s been nice to go on little walks with my daughters’ dog, Keeper, and watch him frolic in the snow while I get some fresh air. I’m still as cold as ever with a tee-shirt, a long sleeve shirt, a down vest, a down jacket and a bulky ski jacket! I’ve decided to take extreme measures by ordering a battery-heated vest from Amazon, which I’m as excited as a kid on Christmas about getting shortly.

My pain continues to be well managed, and I am now tapering my doses to take as little Oxycodone as possible and still be comfortable. I’ve also had a healthy appetite and have gained about 8 pounds over the past two weeks. I recently found a great Italian restaurant here on Martha’s Vineyard that I can easily find something different to order from every day … and what do they do? Go on vacation for the next three weeks! But all of your well wishes, jokes, and quotes are more than making up the difference in helping me feel good … THANK YOU SO MUCH!

Amy and I got our first Covid vaccines on February 17th at Gillette Stadium. So, once I get that second shot, at least I’ll be partially invincible!

Several people have asked me about how I keep track of all my medications. After looking at a dozen phone apps, I’ve settled on one called Medisafe, which I’ve been using for about two months. I think it is the best of the crop in the Apple App Store. It allows me to track each medication, the quantity to take, the times to take it. It has a reminder alarm that repeats until you tell it that you’ve taken it, skipped it, or rescheduled. It keeps a history of all the meds I’ve taken and how well I’m keeping to my schedule. It also has provisions to track other information like weight, pain level, mood, fatigue, etc. So, if your looking for an app that will help you keep track of just about anything connected with your health, I would recommend Medisafe. Full disclosure ... I am not being paid for this endorsement!

Unfortunately, there is some bad news. My daughter, Keiko, who has been doing an exemplary job of looking after me, came down with an attack of Cyclic Vomiting Syndrome this week. It is as bad as it sounds ... throwing up every few minutes with acute abdominal pain. Over the many years she has suffered with this transitory condition, the doctors have no idea what causes it. It is challenging for me because there is nothing I can do to help besides give her back rubs and continually bring her plenty of liquids. She is feeling a bit better today after several days of being incapacitated. At least we have been able to joke that we have reversed roles this week. The only dispute is whether I am Florence Nightingale or Nurse Mildred Ratched!

Best Funny of the Week
I wonder if he’s out of ICU yet?


With much thanks and gratitude,

Mas Kimball

“We are all on this planet together. We are all brothers and sisters with the same physical and mental faculties, the same problems, and the same needs. We must all contribute to the fulfillment of the human potential and the improvement of the quality of life as much as we are able. Mankind is crying out for help. Ours is a desperate time. Those who have something to offer should come forward. Now is the time.” - The Dalai Lama

If you would like to receive my medical updates via email, please email me and I’ll add you to the list.

No More Trips to Boston, Pain is Managed and I'm Feeling Good...

Hi All,

It's been a busy week with lots of changes. Today I am at a brand new Dana Farber facility just outside of Boston proper. It certainly makes traveling from home in Plymouth easier for Amy, who has to do all the driving, and for me since I suffer from a bit of motion sickness when in the car and I'm not driving (hmm … is there a little control issue here!?).

Since the last update, I had a telemedicine call with the Celiac Plexis Block doctor last Tuesday. We concluded that a second shot was not advisable at this time since we couldn't be sure the block was working or not. We decided that a planned schedule of reducing some pain medication (the OxyContin) to see the effect would be a more prudent approach. I've cut my 5mg OxyContin dosage from every 3 hours to every 4 hours during the day. So, here at day seven, there is still no pain, so I would say it's all good!

On Wednesday, I went in for a Hydration Infusion at my local hospital, Beth Israel Deaconess Hospital - Plymouth (BIDH-Plymouth). I didn't feel particularly dehydrated, but no harm, no foul, as they say, and given the hospital is just 10 minutes away, why not?

Thursday was another big day ... meeting with Dr. James Matthew Koomey, the oncologist at BIDH-Plymouth, about getting the chemo treatments there, making getting the treatments much more manageable. And more importantly, I'll be able to sleep in my own bed every night ... YES!

After reviewing all these changes' pros and cons, we decided that going to Florida wasn't worth the additional risk right now. So, I'll just need to grit my teeth and deal with the New England cold. I'll console myself by taking more trips to Martha's Vineyard and hanging with my friends there. Life is so tough!

With no pain, more energy and clearer thinking, I've been able to get back to some of my USTA and NSMTA work. The next stop step is to put on some weight and get back on the tennis court!

Keep those cards, letters and emails coming. They are great! Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!

Best Funny of the Week
What to do with your bills ...

With much thanks and gratitude,

Mas Kimball

“If we go into the differences in philosophy and argue with and criticize each other, it is useless. There will be endless argument; the result will mainly be that we irritate each other, accomplishing nothing. Better to look at the purpose of the philosophies and to see what is shared: an emphasis on love, compassion, and respect for a higher force.” - The Dalai Lama

If you would like to receive my medical updates via email, please email me and I’ll add you to the list.

More Good News...

Good Monday Family & Dear Friends,

More good news …. the pictures from the CT Scan confirms what the Blood Draw showed last Tuesday. The tumor on the pancreas has shrunk, and the chemo seems to be working. I'm certainly not out of the woods yet, but everything seems to be moving in the right direction. I was not particularly happy with Dr. Abrams prognosis that pancreatic cancer is not curable. Still, I'm counting on being in that small percentage of patients that beat this thing and will do everything I can to do so.

The "bad" news is that I am on three additional medications. UGH! One to increase my appetite. Another to increase my potassium level. And a third that introduces enzymes that my pancreas is not producing to help digest food.

I meet with the Palliative Care doctor at Dana Farber next Monday. I'm hoping to get a handle on all these medications to see if other modalities can be substituted without so many side effects.

My next chemotherapy sessions will be administered at a new Dana Farber facility in Chestnut Hills which is closer and will not necessitate traveling into the heart of Boston. That should save about 20 minutes of travel from home. We're also looking to going down to Sarasota, FL in late February. I might as well get out of this frigid weather here in New England and enjoy some warm Florida weather and get my chemo treatments there! So, if anyone knows of any rentals that may be available towards the end of February through April/May, please let me know.

I have gotten a ton of great emails … thank you all so much! So, I'm going to share some with you all each update. I'm sure we can all use some good news and funnies while we all still struggle with the pandemic and other national crises.

Best Line of the Week
Thank you so much for the updates. I think about you often!!!!
Hang in there superman! You got this!
I love you with all my butt cause it's WAY bigger than my heart. 🤪

Best Funny of the Week
How to Survive a Knife Attack.
This guy is good!! You may have to watch it twice to see the precise moves. This is perhaps the best defense against a knife attack I've ever seen. Only 18 seconds!


With much thanks and gratitude,

Mas Kimball

If the mind is tranquil and occupied with positive thoughts, the body will not easily fall prey to disease. - The Dalai Lama

As most of you have asked me to keep you updated, I will send an email blast every so often to keep you in the loop. If you do not wish to receive further updates, just let me know ... I WILL NOT BE OFFENDED! ... God knows we all get enough emails every day!

Many Thanks to Many People...

In my NSMTA quarter zip top and NSMTA hat, gifted from the Board of Directors

G'day Family and Friends,

I’ve just finished day 1 of Chemo #4 at Dana Farber and feeling OK. On this visit, I got to see Dr. Abrams, my oncologist, rather than my Nurse Practitioner, who had good news. The blood draw this morning showed a decrease in the tumor indicators, which is evidence that there is a good chance that the tumor on my pancreas is now smaller and the chemo is working. The CT Scan, scheduled for tomorrow, will give us more definitive information. I have a Telemedicine call with Dr. Abrams on Thursday, after which we'll have a better idea of what is going on and how to proceed from here. Needless to say, I am hopeful for more good news. Keep those prayers, positive vibes, good wishes coming … THEY ARE WORKING … THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!

I seem to be at the phase where Pain Management is working, and weight loss is now the primary concern. I've gone from 160lbs two months ago to 127lbs today. But there's a drug for that (naturally), which will hopefully increase my appetite. The doc says it works well for most people, and the only downside is an increased chance of blood clots (UGH!!). Any suggestions for other methods are welcomed ... especially the whacky ones!

Keiko, Amy and I went to Martha's Vineyard last week. I managed to get to my barber and he informed me that although I'm not losing much hair, it is getting straighter and softer. If that is as far as it goes, I'll be happy … although I have been curious to see what head shape I have ever since the possibility of losing my hair entered my thoughts.

It was beautiful to get to my favorite place and see some friends (in a Covid-safe way, of course!). One friend brought my favorite dessert, pecan pie; another went in search of the perfect clam chowder, which she found and I enjoyed immensely. Friends did a great job beautifully stacking our winter's worth of wood in the shed. I am so grateful to have such wonderful people willing to help. You guys and ladies all know who you are, and I can't thank you enough!

And a BIG THANK YOU to my very understanding ex-wife, Sue, who has made the house available to me for the winter while I continue on this journey.

I did manage to get out for a walk this past weekend and enjoy the spring-like weather and sunshine. I may have overdone it a bit because I was exhausted and needed a nap after!

So, Thursday will be a big day and will determine where we go from here. I'll let you all know as soon as I know.

With much thanks and gratitude,

“The moment you think only of yourself, the focus of your whole mind narrows, and because of this narrow focus, uncomfortable things can appear huge and bring you fear, discomfort, and a sense of feeling overwhelmed by misery. The moment you think of others with a sense of caring, however, your mind widens. Within that wide angle, your own problems appear to be of no significance, and this makes a big difference.” - The Dalai Lama

If you would like to receive my medical updates via email, please email me and I’ll add you to the list.

I Got a Dammit Doll...

Hi Everybody,

I’m in the middle of my 3rd Chemo treatment and I am very happy to report that I feel better than ever before. I changed my pain medication slightly which has seemed to make a big difference. I’ve been taking 5mg of Oxycodone every 3 hours along with Tylenol. This was OK during the day but to set an alarm to wait up every 3 hours during the night was making for a good night’s sleep nearly impossible. So, starting this past Monday, I started taking 20mg of Oxycontin (a time-release pill) before going to bed which lasts for 12 hours, and then taking the Oxycodone every 3 hours during the day. So far, so good! Additionally, the Pain Management Team has been able to get me in on Friday to perform a Celiac Plexus Block, which will block the pain without popping all these pills. It works for most people so fingers crossed it will work for me.

On Saturday, Keiko and I are off to Martha’s Vineyard for a week for a change of scenery and to give Amy a break from nursing duties. I’m hoping to meet up with my many friends there in a Covid safe way.

I cannot overstate the joy, laughs and insightful thoughts everyone has been sending me, so once again … THANK YOU SO MUCH!

Highlights of the Week:

  • My new best friend is the marijuana pen...eating is much more fun when you have the munchies!

  • My favorite Christmas stocking stuffer from my daughter is the Pancreas Dammit Doll. Even though I’m a Buddhist, everything needs to be punched in the face every once in a while.

  • A bunch of the ladies that I was playing Pickleball with came over on New Year Days … they are the sweetest bunch.

With much thanks and gratitude,

Mas Kimball

The moment you think only of yourself, the focus of your whole mind narrows, and because of this narrow focus uncomfortable things can appear huge and bring you fear, discomfort, and a sense of feeling overwhelmed by misery. The moment you think of others with a sense of caring, however, your mind widens. Within that wide angle, your own problems appear to be of no significance, and this makes a big difference.”
- The Dalai Lama

If you would like to receive my medical updates via email, please email me and I’ll add you to the list.

Managing the Pain...

Sorry I've been incommunicado. It has been a challenging few weeks ... especially over the Christmas holiday. The last chemo was a bit better than the first one. There are still good days and bad days, but overall it is better.

I must admit that last Saturday was the first time I felt like, "I can't do this anymore." Reading a few messages from "My Smile Jar" and some emails from you all got me to quickly give up my Pity Party. THANKS!

Some Bad News …

  • I have very little energy.

    • Brush my teeth… take a nap.

    • Write a few emails… take a nap.

    • Phone call more than ten minutes… take a nap.

    • Take a shower… take a L-O-N-G nap.

  • I hate taking all these pills … I feel like I could supply the local CVS!

  • When I start to eat, my jaw hurts but only for a minute.

  • Still losing weight.

  • From time-to-time, I get extremely hot and then in a few minutes get cold again. Those “hot-flashes” the ladies get … I’ll never minimize what a pain in the butt they are!

And the Good News …

  • No throwing up.

  • No nausea.

  • No Neuropathy.

  • Managing the pain better. Now taking Oxycodone instead of Tramadol.

  • Lots of emails, calls, and text messages ... I can't thank you all enough!

  • My appetite seems to be coming back slowly.

  • My hair hasn't fallen out ... yet!

My biggest concern right now is how best to handle pain and to keep my weight up. It hit home a couple of weeks ago when, coming up behind me, my daughter remarked, "Your legs look like grandma's." That was a low blow, especially considering that my legs were my greatest asset on the tennis court … but I got the message.

I'm off to Boston this afternoon to meet with the Pain Management team doc at Brigham and Women's. I want to understand as much as possible about different modalities for handling pain. Going through this whole process, I'm learning that you must know just enough to ask the right questions.

One more thing … another "silver-lining" of my situation ... I have known many of you for a long time, others a shorter time, some just on the tennis court, all at some level of social interaction. I have found it very interesting that I'm learning much more about each of you. Folks I thought were very serious with a minimal sense of humor have turned out to be so funny in their communication to me. And others, with whom I've had light, superficial conversations in the past, have sent me some very insightful, profound messages. It has been a blessing getting to know many of you better.

Thank you for all that you’re doing I trust you had a wonderful holiday and are looking forward to a better and brighter New Year in 2021.

All my best,

Mas Kimball


If you would like to receive my medical updates via email, please email me and I’ll add you to the list.

It's Been A Rough Week...

Hi Everybody,

Firstly, my apologies to all those that I didn’t initially add to my Medical Update eBlasts. If you know anyone who wants to follow my trials and tribulations, let me know … I’m happy to add them.

It’s been a rough week. Some people have told me that the first chemo treatment is the worst … I hope they’re right!

Barlett Pond

After returning to the hospital last Wednesday to get the portable pump disconnected, Amy and I returned to her home in Plymouth where it is beautiful outside her bay window.

Those first three days of Chemo were not too bad because I spend most of them sleeping. Thursday and Friday were a different story. My biggest problem was not being able to drink enough liquids to stay hydrated. That meant a trip to the hospital to get an IV hydration infusion (thank goodness for the port-a-cath!) on Friday.

My daughter, Keiko, was able to come down on Friday evening, and that’s when I became a 'pothead' in addition to being a 'druggie'. I must say that the medicinal properties of cannabis are as good as people have told me and what I have read. So, on Saturday, I felt the best I felt all week. But Sunday through yesterday were up and down days, sometimes feeling OK and sometimes being very uncomfortable.

The many emails and texts you have all been sending me carried me through ... THANK YOU!!!! So, I’m hoping to continue to feel better as this week goes on and be prepared for chemo #2 on Monday, December 21.

I am fortunate that I have not suffered from severe nausea, nor have I thrown up. There’s nothing I hate more than throwing up, so that is truly a blessing. That being said, I haven't had much of an appetite. When I do feel like eating, I like having some Japanese soup (ochazuke), especially on these cold New England days! I am not used to this weather. If it weren't for Covid and cancer, I'd be in Florida in the warmth by now!

I think a combination of the medications with some cannabis relief along with doing breathing and meditation exercises and a bit of yoga have helped ameliorate the worse of the side effects of chemo thus far. With all my 'downtime', I am working my way through my Netlflix, Prime, etc. movie lists. Thanks everyone for great suggestions!

Today was a beautiful day here in Plymouth, so my goal is to sit out in the sunshine for a little while before the Nor'Easter comes later today into tomorrow. Now I'm really feeling jealous of all my Floridian friends!

Keep the letters, postcards, emails and text messages coming, folks. I can’t tell you how much they help keep my spirits up!

I trust everyone is keeping well and are more hopeful now that the Covid-19 vaccine is being distributed.

All my best,

My Daughter Labeled Me a Druggie...

Good Morning Family and Dear Friends,

For someone (me) who has eschewed taking drugs all my life, my daughter has officially labeled me a "druggie"… six regular medications plus several more to be taken if needed to handle the chemotherapy's side effects.

Yesterday, between a blood draw, a consultation with a member of my team, and then the actual chemo treatment, I was at the hospital for 9 hours. The extended stay was due to 1) a first-time visit where they need to go over everything that may or may not occur during the treatment, 2) scheduling of the rest of my appointments, and 3) a review of my blood draw necessitated a slight change in the chemo delivery which delayed getting my chemo meds by an hour.

My drugs and me at the hotel

I learned that the chemo meds are created with each visit, depending on what they find during the blood draw. Since I had a Port-a-cath placed last Friday, the good news is that they don't need to poke me every time they need to draw blood or administer drugs. Most of you probably know about that, but it's all new to me!

The actual chemo treatment went very well. They sent me back to the hotel with a portable chemo pump that continues to administer the chemo for another 46 hours. I'll go back to the hospital tomorrow to get the pump disconnected and then head home.

I feel OK under the circumstances. I'm filling my day with watching movies, just a little news, answering emails and text messages, doing some NSMTA and USTA work, NAPPING (essential!), and eating as much as possible even though I have no appetite.

So … all in all, things are going as well as can be expected. I am keeping my spirits up. The emails and text messages are really helping. Also, a friend of mine, who lives in the Boston area, organized some of my family and friends to email her little notes of encouragement, jokes, funny stories, etc. She then printed them all out on separate, little pieces of paper and place them all in a “My Smiling Jar”. I take a few out at a time to read. They always bring a chuckle and a smile to my face. What a great idea!

Well, that’s all the news that’s fit to print for now.

Be well, stay healthy and wash those hands!

“If we go into the differences in philosophy and argue with and criticize each other, it is useless. There will be endless argument; the result will mainly be that we irritate each other, accomplishing nothing. Better to look at the purpose of the philosophies and to see what is shared: an emphasis on love, compassion, and respect for a higher force.”
- The Dalai Lama

And We're Off to Boston...

Hi Everyone,

After a week of lab and doctor appointments to prepare, I am off to Boston today for my first Chemotherapy session tomorrow morning. I know more about drugs, CT Scans, blood diagnostics, and intravenous drug delivery systems than I ever wanted to know. A special thanks to all my doctor friends who have walked me through all the technical terms and intricacies of various protocols to help put my mind at ease. And, of course, to all of you for the emails, text messages and phone calls with words of encouragement.

So … I am prepared for a few difficult days after Chemo and then, hopefully, a restful week and a half before my next treatment.

I trust all of you are keeping well and staying healthy during this latest pandemic spike. With the good news on the vaccine front and now the possibility of a quick test that can be done with your mobile phone, we can see the light at the end of the tunnel. Hopefully, by mid-year, we will see some semblance of normal again.

All my best,

I Have Bad News and Not So Bad News...

Hi All,

Firstly, thank you all for the support, prayers, best wishes, and good vibes sent to me in my fight with pancreatic cancer. Although I may not have time to answer each of you individually, I do read every email, and they do lift me up, so THANK YOU!!!

Unfortunately, I have bad news and not so bad news this morning.

With the biopsy results performed last week completed, Dr. Abrams at Dana Farber in Boston confirmed the diagnosis of pancreatic cancer. The bad news is that the cancer has "showered" through the abdominal cavity, thereby classifying this as Stage 4 Cancer. Therefore, neither surgery nor radiation are options at this time. Chemotherapy is the only choice at this point. So, I begin two months of chemo on December 7th with treatments every two weeks. After four treatments, another scan will determine if the chemotherapy is working to reduce the cancer. I'm also investigating alternative approaches to mitigate the effects of the treatments and methods to "starve" the cancer through diet and supplements.

The not so bad news is that because I am otherwise in good health with no underlining conditions and physically fit (thank you tennis!!), my chances of withstanding the Chemo with beneficial effects are increased. So, for now, it is eating as much as I can to stabilize my weight, taking pain meds so I am comfortable, and staying as positive and as active as possible. It doesn't sound too hard!

So ... that's the news from Lake Wobegon.

Stay healthy, take care of yourself and be safe,

All my best,

If you would like to receive my medical updates via email, please email me and I’ll add you to the list.

Waiting for the Results…

Hi All,

I am overwhelmed by the outpouring of support, prayers, best wishes, and good vibes being sent to me in my fight with pancreatic cancer. Thank you all so very much!

As most of you have asked me to keep you updated, I will send an email blast every so often to keep you in the loop. If you do not wish to receive further updates, just let me know ... I WILL NOT BE OFFENDED! ... God knows we all get enough emails every day!

To bring everyone up-to-date, I had a preliminary diagnosis of pancreatic cancer after a CT Scan at the beginning of the month, I went to the doctor complaining of mild but continuous abdominal pain. The following week I had complete blood work done and a 2nd CT Scan in preparation for a biopsy. The biopsy was done this morning and it went well. Hopefully, results will come back and an appointment to discuss and implement a treatment regimen before Thanksgiving will happen. I am fortunate to be at Dana Farber, one of the foremost cancer treatment center in the U.S.

So now, it's a matter of waiting for a week before the next step. Does anybody of some good movies I can watch to pass the time!!??

Be well and stay healthy,

“The Problem isn't the problem. The Problem is your attitude about the problem.” - Captain Jack Sparrow