Unlucky Chemo #13

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I finished Chemo #13 not in the best of shape this week but will survive. With Monday past being a holiday, I thought Tuesday would be a very long day with the Blood-Draw, Doc consult and then Chemo all in one day. Surprise, surprise … in the hospital at 8 am and done by 3 pm! I’ve been feeling pretty poorly the last couple of days, but I think I’m recovering now. Neuropathy is acting up in my fingertips, and my feet don’t feel like they belong to me. My stomach is constantly uncomfortable. That upper left molar in my mouth is acting up. But enough of this Pity Party … I’m sitting outside on the deck with just a t-shirt and shorts soaking in the sun. How bad can life be?!

I think most of these symptoms will dissipate in the next day or two. I certainly hope so since I’ll be on my way tomorrow to Louisville, KY, to play in Tom Scovil’s Level 3 tournament at the Louisville Boat Club. I’ll be trying my hand at Singles for the first time, as well as playing doubles with my doubles partner, Bill Drake. Amy is going to take the opportunity to catch up with her friends and play lots of Pickleball.

Next up is Chemo #14 in a couple of weeks and then another scan to see where we stand. My two biggest problems right now are not getting a good night’s sleep and an inordinate increase in gas production during the day. I think my Ninja days are over. They’ll be no sneaking up on anyone anytime soon! I’m also running out of closet space. When going from 165lbs to 121lbs, I had to buy new clothes to fit. Now that I’m back up to 148lbs, I’ve had to get more clothes that will fit properly. Not only is my collection of underwear, t-shirts, pants, and unused drugs growing, with my weight loss and now my regain of weight, my entire wardrobe is going through a reformation. Amy and I will need to build more closet space next!

Once again, thanks to you all for the many prayers, kind words, encouragement and positive vibes.

With much thanks and gratitude,

Mas Kimball

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