Tennis Events, Here I Come!

Hello to my family & many friends,

I completed Chemo#10 last Thursday with the disconnect of my portable pump. All indicators are still moving in the right direction with blood markers showing slight improvements. I’ve also been able to cut down the amount of Oxycodone and Oxycontin that I take to control the pain. Cutting down on those has also allowed me to take less of the other drugs I’m taking to control the side-effects of the Oxys.

The really good news is that I’ll be able to attend the Jerry Kirk Memorial Cup Team event in Hilton Head next month with Amy. After reviewing my blood markers with my oncologist, Dr. Koomey, last Tuesday, and a general review of how I was feeling day-to-day, we determined that sliding Chemo #12 back an additional week would not make an appreciable difference in my treatment. It will be great to finally meet up with so many of my tennis friends and competitors. I don’t think the doc realizes what a monster he’s let out of the bag!

Amy and I enjoying the great outdoors with the comforts of home in RI last summer.

Amy and I enjoying the great outdoors with the comforts of home in RI last summer.

As the chemo treatments continue and, from all indications, is killing more cancer cells, it takes a toll on the good cells too. Over time, certain chemicals cannot be used without detrimental effect on the good cells so the formulation must be changed or a new method for treatment must be used, if possible. The CT Scan next Monday should tell us more. I’ve started contacting people who are “experts” with supportive treatments and have a massive amount of information which I am combing through. I feel like I’m back at the beginning of this journey when I knew nothing about cancer. But you all know me … ever hopeful and doing what needs to be done to give me the best chance for longevity and quality of life. And you are a big part of that formula. You may be tired of hearing it but your emails, text messages, phone calls have lifted my spirits every day … so once again, thank you so much!

Some sad news … I’ve decided to sell my RV. The wonderful RV that I have enjoyed the last 18 months is now up for sale if any of you are interested, or know someone who is. It’s a low mileage 2020 Travel Leisure Vans 25ft luxury Class C Mercedes UNITY, fully loaded and a lot of fun to drive. Please write to me if you want more information and all the details. Selling price around $140,000 or best offer.

Best Funny of the Week
Spa Day with the Cat


With much thanks and gratitude,

Mas Kimball

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