Waiting for the Results…

Hi All,

I am overwhelmed by the outpouring of support, prayers, best wishes, and good vibes being sent to me in my fight with pancreatic cancer. Thank you all so very much!

As most of you have asked me to keep you updated, I will send an email blast every so often to keep you in the loop. If you do not wish to receive further updates, just let me know ... I WILL NOT BE OFFENDED! ... God knows we all get enough emails every day!

To bring everyone up-to-date, I had a preliminary diagnosis of pancreatic cancer after a CT Scan at the beginning of the month, I went to the doctor complaining of mild but continuous abdominal pain. The following week I had complete blood work done and a 2nd CT Scan in preparation for a biopsy. The biopsy was done this morning and it went well. Hopefully, results will come back and an appointment to discuss and implement a treatment regimen before Thanksgiving will happen. I am fortunate to be at Dana Farber, one of the foremost cancer treatment center in the U.S.

So now, it's a matter of waiting for a week before the next step. Does anybody of some good movies I can watch to pass the time!!??

Be well and stay healthy,

“The Problem isn't the problem. The Problem is your attitude about the problem.” - Captain Jack Sparrow