A Haircut & a Happy Birthday

Watashi no shin'ainaru kazoku ya yūjin ni,

I have been complaining about needing a haircut for the past several weeks and wanting to get to Martha’s Vineyard to see my favorite barber. But what do Wise Men say, “Be careful what you wish for … “. While taking a shower and washing my hair last Monday afternoon, I noticed clumps of hair in my hands. Oh, oh … the new chemo drugs must be causing hair loss. But I was losing only my black hair. The grey was staying … NOT FAIR! But, I’ve always wanted to see what I looked like bald … like Andre Agassi (post 1995) or Mike Myers as Dr. Evil or a Buddhist monk from when I was a very young kid growing up in a Buddhist monastery in Japan.

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Last week was also a milestone as I celebrated my 72nd birthday on July 14th (Bastille Day). Amy put together a great party at our house comprised mostly of the “Ladies of the Court” Pickleball group. Terrific food, lots of laughs with a great bunch of ladies. Thank you so much for a party I will not forget.

I am coming up to Chemo #17 tomorrow and feeling great, so I must assume the new chemo regimen is working. I’ve also hit a new high in weight at 152 this morning.

My tennis is improving as I gain strength and speed. Bill and I lost to Paul Shaw and George Deptula in the finals of the New England Concord Country Club tournament last weekend 6-3, 6-4. A few more weeks of strengthening and speed exercises, and those boys better watch out!!

Best Funny of the Week

I just never get tired of seeing cats do their thing!


With much thanks and gratitude,

Mas Kimball

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