It's Been A Rough Week...

Hi Everybody,

Firstly, my apologies to all those that I didn’t initially add to my Medical Update eBlasts. If you know anyone who wants to follow my trials and tribulations, let me know … I’m happy to add them.

It’s been a rough week. Some people have told me that the first chemo treatment is the worst … I hope they’re right!

Barlett Pond

After returning to the hospital last Wednesday to get the portable pump disconnected, Amy and I returned to her home in Plymouth where it is beautiful outside her bay window.

Those first three days of Chemo were not too bad because I spend most of them sleeping. Thursday and Friday were a different story. My biggest problem was not being able to drink enough liquids to stay hydrated. That meant a trip to the hospital to get an IV hydration infusion (thank goodness for the port-a-cath!) on Friday.

My daughter, Keiko, was able to come down on Friday evening, and that’s when I became a 'pothead' in addition to being a 'druggie'. I must say that the medicinal properties of cannabis are as good as people have told me and what I have read. So, on Saturday, I felt the best I felt all week. But Sunday through yesterday were up and down days, sometimes feeling OK and sometimes being very uncomfortable.

The many emails and texts you have all been sending me carried me through ... THANK YOU!!!! So, I’m hoping to continue to feel better as this week goes on and be prepared for chemo #2 on Monday, December 21.

I am fortunate that I have not suffered from severe nausea, nor have I thrown up. There’s nothing I hate more than throwing up, so that is truly a blessing. That being said, I haven't had much of an appetite. When I do feel like eating, I like having some Japanese soup (ochazuke), especially on these cold New England days! I am not used to this weather. If it weren't for Covid and cancer, I'd be in Florida in the warmth by now!

I think a combination of the medications with some cannabis relief along with doing breathing and meditation exercises and a bit of yoga have helped ameliorate the worse of the side effects of chemo thus far. With all my 'downtime', I am working my way through my Netlflix, Prime, etc. movie lists. Thanks everyone for great suggestions!

Today was a beautiful day here in Plymouth, so my goal is to sit out in the sunshine for a little while before the Nor'Easter comes later today into tomorrow. Now I'm really feeling jealous of all my Floridian friends!

Keep the letters, postcards, emails and text messages coming, folks. I can’t tell you how much they help keep my spirits up!

I trust everyone is keeping well and are more hopeful now that the Covid-19 vaccine is being distributed.

All my best,
