Onto Phase Two

Kon'nichiwa Tomodachi to Kazoku,

A lot has happened since my last update. I trust you and family enjoyed the July 4th weekend and had the opportunity to be together in a way that was not possible just a month ago.

Last week was Chemo #15, and some changes have been made to the regiment with sound reasoning behind it. Dr. Koomey is so good at explaining what’s going on. Here are the last abdominal scan results: the disease is not spreading to other organs. Still, it is causing some problems in the peritoneal cavity (inside the abdomen area), and my tumor markers are up.

So now I’m moving onto the second possible regiment of chemo for treating my cancer. As we understand it, there are three available. The first one did an excellent job of keeping me as healthy as possible the last seven months, and for that we are grateful. But as the markers are up and I haven’t been feeling as good the past several weeks, it was time to move on so that more damage than good doesn’t happen … after all, chemo is poison. This new regime will now occur every Tuesday for two weeks, then a week off, then two more weeks, etc. The upside is no more being connected to the pump for three days …YAY! The entire procedure is done in under 3 hours, a significant improvement over the last treatment protocol!

Side effects you ask? Well, there are some and, as you know, I have a pill for all of them!
Acid reflux… once a day Prilosec
Pain… Oxycodone
Thrush… swish and swallow this bubblegummy liquid
Loss of appetite…Megestrol works great. My weight is stable and good.
Fatigue… take a nap.
Not enough time in the day … well, we’re still looking for a treatment for that!

I am very fortunate no suffering from nausea and no hair loss. Still, unfortunately, there is no pill for neuropathy that affects my hands and feet. The good news is that I can still hold a tennis racquet and play. As a matter of fact, my doubles partner, Bill Drake and I will play in a tournament at Concord Country Club this coming weekend.

I have begun massage therapy and will start acupuncture therapy next week. I’ve also decided that taking Chaga Mushroom extract will be helpful to strengthen my immune system and help fight the cancer as well as make the chemo work better. Thank you to the many of you that have suggested augmentative therapies. It has been an exhaustive research project for me but I have learned so much and I am sure it is all to the good!

So, as I sit here in a very comfortable chair with heat and massage vibration, undergoing Chemo #16, I think of how fortunate I am to have friends and family who have been so supportive. Although I may not answer each email, text message, and voice mail, be assured that I read each and every one of them. Thank you so much!

Best Funny of the Week
I bet none of us have ever had this procedure!


With much thanks and gratitude,

Mas Kimball

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