Hello to my Family and Friends,
"Hey Mas … I just looked over your latest CT Scan, and you've made my week".
With those few simple words, my Oncologist, Dr. Koomey, brought an enormous smile to my face! Details …
The tumor mass on the pancreas is about the same as it was in January, which had shrunk significantly since the original scan back in November.
The cancer spread around the stomach area is gone altogether.
Nodules around the stomach, lung and chest wall and the fluid associated with same is pretty much gone.
This is better news than I could have hoped for … please keep those prayers, positive vibes and energy, jokes, funny videos, etc., coming … they are obviously working! THANK YOU SO MUCH!
Last week started with a blood draw on Monday, March 1st. The procedure at BID-Plymouth Hospital is a bit different than at Dana-Farber. BID likes to do the blood draw the day before the start of the chemo to give them plenty of time to review the blood indicators and make any necessary changes to the chemo cocktail.
Tuesday was the consult with my Oncologist, Dr. Koomey. He was very pleased with my weight gain and how things are going in general. It was then on to chemo treatment … several hours of sitting in a chair while the "poison" was being pumped into my body. After that, the portable pump was attached to go home with more chemo being pumped in for another 46 hours.
Chemo #7 ended on Thursday with the portable pump being disconnected and getting a hydration infusion to make sure I get plenty of fluid into my body. I've learned that getting lots of water is one of the keys to feeling good. It helps flush the chemo out of the body and mitigates the side effect of the medications I am taking. UGH!!
Since last Friday, I have been working on increasing my strength by doing indoor exercises. With the arrival of my battery-heated vest, I could finally go outside. So, I went for a 1-mile walk on Tuesday, and I played 5 straight Pickleball games on Wednesday with the "Ladies of the Court" with no ill effects. I think I'll be able to get back on the tennis court in another week or so. Yippee!!!
Mas and the Ladies of the Court
So … next steps …
Continuing to decrease my intake of Oxycontin.
Look into supportive treatments to augment the beneficial effects of chemo … Vitamin C supplements, Autoimmune therapies, Enzyme therapies, Naturopathic medicines, Neurological Integration Systems, dog-deworming drug, Leronlimab … to name a few that I will begin to look into.
Investigate cancer treatment centers between here and Florida that I could go for my chemo treatment to begin to travel again and come visit you all.
Work with my daughter, Keiko, to address her health issues.
Now, I wouldn’t want you to get the idea that everything is perfect but talking about my challenges going to the bathroom is off the table as it would probably gross most of you out! BIG SMILE!!!!!
Best Funny of the Week
Toronto Maple Leaf Fan!
With much thanks and gratitude,
Mas Kimball
”Ideally one should have a great deal of courage and strength, but not boast or make a big show of it. Then, in times of need, one should rise to the occasion and fight bravely for what is right.” - The Dalai Lama
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