The Journey Continues

To my many Friends and Family,

It's been a crazy few weeks!! My body seems to need to adjust to the new chemo regimen. It has reacted with severe pain in the abdominal area two or three days after the chemo treatment. As much as I dislike taking more drugs, one 5 MG Oxycodone seems to do the trick. The neuropathy is a bit worse, but it's not keeping me from holding the tennis racquet and playing. It's just picking up those damn little med pills that are a problem. I've started my Massage and Acupuncture therapies as well as some herbal modalities. Although it is still too early to feel their effects, they are certainly not causing any discomfort (or maybe contributing to the abdominal pain spikes? ... hmmm.)

On the "exciting" new developments front, two small holes appeared above my PowerPort a few weeks ago. So, between BIDH-Plymouth hospital (where I get my Chemo treatments) and South Shore hospital (who put in the port in the first place), all the docs were trying to figure out whether to remove the port in my left chest and put a new one on the right side or just monitor the holes to make sure they didn't get infected and hope that they closed up naturally.

I was to go to Dallas, TX, two weeks ago for our annual NSMTA Board of Directors meeting. But when the Covid numbers kept rising in that area, I decided to attend via Zoom instead. Not the same, and it would have been great to see everyone face-to-face, but after a conversation with my oncologist, we felt it best not to travel. Not going to Dallas also allowed Amy to schedule the surgery sooner, which was good as the holes did get infected.

Chemo #20 is coming up tomorrow. From the blood draw last week, all tumor indicators were down significantly. So, it will be interesting to see what the blood draw shows tomorrow. It will also be interesting to hear what Dr. Koomey thinks of my getting the booster shot. My daughter, Keiko, and hubby, Chris, want me to go with them to Japan in October for a few weeks vacation. A lot of logistics to work out … we'll see if we can make it happen! SO MANY DECISIONS!

I can never say thanks enough to you all for the many prayers, kind words, encouragement and positive vibes. I may not be able to answer all of your emails but, believe me, I read each and every one of them.

Best Funny of the Week

Not exactly the funniest but an irresistible combination … Cats and Music

With much thanks and gratitude,

Mas Kimball